Mind Your Mind Speaks Podcast: Episode 55

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In this episode, you will hear a conversation between Cobb Collaborative Executive Director, Irene Barton, and Nathan Daley, the founder and CEO of The Blue Phoenix Initiative, Inc, a 501(c)(3), which was established to bring awareness to the silent suffering of police officers nationwide. 

On August 1, 2019, Nathan experienced a life altering event, while investigating an offender during a routine traffic stop. An altercation ensued, and Nathan was dragged down a busy highway while partially hanging from the offender’s vehicle. (Click here to view the video. Viewer discretion advised.)

Immediately after the incident, Nathan began battling with the mental, physical, and financial hardships that presented themselves. Thanks to his faith in God, family, friends, and our nation, Nathan was able to partially recover from his injuries. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his injuries, Nathan was unable to return to work, which forced him to medically retire.

Inspired by the generosity and support from everyone, Nathan refused to give up. He decided that if he could not physically serve the people, he would dedicate his time serving those, who serve others, his brethren in blue. Nathan envisioned an organization that would allow injured officers to be acknowledged for their sacrifices. Nathan created and has implemented The Blue Phoenix Initiative as a blueprint to recreate the support he received during his time of need. The purpose and goal of The Blue Phoenix Initiative is to convey awareness to the silent affliction of officers, who are severely injured.

Cobb Collaborative THANKS Resilient Georgia for being a podcast supporter!
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