Literacy Resources
At every stage of learning, we're here to help.

The Basics Cobb County
Birth-5 programming that aims to provide fun, simple, and powerful strategies to help every child reach their full potential.

Basics Insights Text Messaging
A free text messaging program that sends science-based tips to boost your child’s development.

Become a Talk with Me Baby Coach
You can be a brain-building partner! As a Talk With Me Baby coach, you can empower families to continue supporting their children’s learning at home, at school, and everywhere in between.

The Importance of Language Nutrition
During the first three years of life, the brain undergoes its most dramatic development, forming more neural connections than at any other time period.

Language as a Missing Link
Learn how language development dramatically and positively impacts life outcomes. Learn practical steps everyone can take to proactively employ language as a well-being indicator.

About Georgia's Pre-K Program
Learn about the lottery funded educational program for Georgia's four year olds to prepare children for Kindergarten.

The Pre-K Years: Getting Ready to Read and Write
Parents, caregivers, and preschool staff play a critical role in preparing young children for school and life success.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
This challenge is to read a book, any book to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten.

Get Ready Guides
Downloadable PDFs that are full of examples of simple, fun activities that you can do with your child at home and in your community that can help them begin building skills for K – 3.

Cobb County Library Pass
Library PASS is a convenient way for all of Cobb's students to get access to their public libraries and the libraries' resources.
Build the Foundation for Reading
Ferst Readers addresses one of the most basic issues of childhood literacy-ensuring the availability of quality books in the home so that parents can read to their child.

Free Digital Book Access
BookSmart Improves comprehension, digital literacy and emotional literacy skills for children ages 3-12 years old. BookSmart includes thousands of books in multiple languages; anytime, anywhere access on any device; reader engagement in the form of motivational messaging, challenges, and rewards to keep children reading; and data to help track progress.
Create account and use password COBB.

Create and Celebrate Young Readers

Reach Out and Read Resources and Tips
Resources for Families to help you navigate through the challenges of early childhood as your child is being introduced to the world.

Watch Reading Rainbow Stories
Watch the stories and then use the provided activities and educational resources with your child to enhance the learning experience.

E Read Kids Digital Library
Young readers have access to more than 45,000 ebooks and audiobooks. Explore fiction and non-fiction picture books, basic readers, graphic novels, and chapter books in English and Spanish for kids in Pre-K to fourth grade.
Get Children Reading with BookSmart
Little Free Library
One of the most successful ways to improve the reading achievement of children is to increase access to books, especially at home. The Cobb Collaborative works to accomplish this through the installation and upkeep of Little Free Libraries in our community. These book-sharing boxes remove barriers to book access by being available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day with free accessibility.